No Longer JUST a Housewife
Have you ever taken a leave of absence from work and not returned for a long time? I have. I took what was supposed to be a year of leave that turned into eight years. During my year off from teaching, I ended up pregnant so one year turned into two years home. Two years home turned into eight years home.
At what point do you decide to go back to work? Do you just continue to be a stay at home mom until your kids are grown? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being a stay at home mom. I've been pretty pretty spoiled. Blessed, but spoiled. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at home. I especially loved when my youngest went to FULL DAY kindergarten last year. It was great to exercise, grocery shop (doesn't every woman call all her shopping, grocery shopping?!?), catch up on DVR'd shows and, oh yeah, participate in my children's activities!
Last week my dear friend, who is also a pre-k teacher, contacted me about a new pre-k position that was going to be posted. She wanted me to apply so we could work together. She's been wanting us to work together for years. Well, it finally seemed that it could be a possibility.
It really did seem to be the perfect timing. My aunt now lives in my small town. She will be able to help transport our children and care for them should they not feel well and be able to take them to doctor's appointments. We will also be helping her by paying for her services.
Do you ever just feel it's God's timing about something? I mean, really feel his hand over a situation? For instance, I have been home for eight years. I stopped receiving "teacher mail" after being home about four years, but then about a month ago I suddenly started receiving teacher catalogues in the mail again. It was like a sign. And then, my friend called me about this particular position. It really is the perfect position for transitioning back into the teaching world. PreK means I will also have my very own assistant. Can I get a "whoop?!" What teacher doesn't want her very own assistant?! Plus, I will get to team teach with my sweet friend. And.... guess who is MOST excited about me teaching? My FAMILY! Yes, my family.... both my girls and my husband. With that kind of support, where can I go wrong?
I interviewed for the position on Monday and Wednesday I was offered the position. I was super excited about the prospect and felt great about the interview. But ultimately, I knew I would be okay with working or staying home. I know God has always had me just where He's wanted me. I guess He's decided it's time to use my extra time to enrich some others' lives. I'm excited to be Owasso's newest pre-k teacher. Go, Rams!

It's time the crazy frenzy of throwing together a classroom begins. Do you realize that when a teacher takes a job, that 9 times out of 10, she walks into an almost empty room, void of anything fun and exciting? Do you also realize that anything fun and exciting usually comes out of that teacher's own pocket? I hear parents complain often of having to purchase this and that supplies. I truly don't think most parents realize how much their child's teacher spends out of their own pocket. Most good teachers never complain about it. They are happy and willing to spend some money in hopes they can make the biggest impact on their students. It wasn't 4 hours after I accepted my new position that I spent $289 on classroom materials. Sadly, that doesn't go very far. I would LOVE to find a corporation or local business that would like to sponsor our brand new classroom. Wouldn't that just be the best?!? If you, or someone you know, is interested in investing in the future of our local children, PLEASE send me an email! Teachers are NEVER too proud to ask for help when it comes to the betterment of their students. NEVER. My new classroom could use some math and science manipulatives, cubbies for their backpacks and papers and some book displays.

What does taking a job mean for this housewife as far as my position on The RHOK? Well, I'm going to do my best to continue to be a part of this awesome blog. I love my housewives that I work with and the ones I've gotten to know along the way. I think it's important that we continue to support wives and moms in whatever journey they are taking. Some of us are called to be at home full-time, some are called to homeschool, some are called to work full-time and some, to do all of the above. Let's continue to lift one another up during each and every season we are in.
Wish me luck (mostly pray) as I start this newest adventure. I'm truly looking forward to enriching the lives of other children, as well as the lives of my own children. I'm sure I'm going to have some fantastically wonderful stories to share with you in the future. It turns out that pre-k kids are some funny creatures.
~Mrs. Albright
Happily spending that first paycheck that I don't have yet, like...
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