
Tips for Surviving a Family Vacation

So I'm planning a quick get away for the family. What happened to the days of throwing a bikini in a bag & hitting the road? Oh I know, 4 kids, a husband, a business & a dog made those days disappear. 
I Googled tips on family vacation survival. Here is what I learned:

Take lots of food.  
For when kids {and adults} get hungry they get cranky. It's called "hangry" people.

Take time to exercise. 

Recognize your child's limits. 
Hey, forgot to add, "and your husband's limitations".

Take lots of pics of happy memories.
Yes, like this lovely example from last Christmas with my precious children. Such sweet memories.

Embrace technology.
We had to count cows on road trips when I was kid. I don't want to be without my technology on the road. Why not let the kids enjoy a movie, game, app or text while driving countless hours down the road.

Perhaps the most important tip for planning a family vacation is to remember to enjoy the moment. Especially given the technology today. It makes it hard to put down the phone to take a pic, which requires editing, before posting on the 5 different social media sites. Vacay means taking a break from our normal routine to have fun, relax, enjoy the moment. With that said, I need a vacay from my vacay.

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Mrs. Montgomery
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