
Meet the RHOC

We recently received an email that started like this:
Okay, you Okie housewives, I hope you will consider me to be an honorary RHOK. I think my chances are pretty slim, but felt I should put my best foot forward anyway. I don't live in Oklahoma (anymore), but I know how to pronounce Muskogee.  I am a former resident of Lawton and Tulsa, a graduate of Memorial High School. In my past life, I was a frequent guest at the home (and dinner table) of "The Doc's" parents. I even attended the wedding of Ms. Priss and the Doc one hot and steamy Texas summer day! I am not a housewife, but I am a wife and I do live in a house. I am not a SAHM, but I am, in fact, a mom, a mother of four (three boys and one girl). I am a school nurse at an elementary school and an advocate for all children, especially those with special needs.

I'm not certain what you are looking for in a guest post, but feel that my observations of the following are worth sharing...somewhere!
And with that kind of intro, there is a guarantee you will be showing up here on our website!
We would like you to meet Mrs. Nightengale!  We are hopeful to have many future guest postings from our honorary RHOK star.  In fact, it is convenient that she lives in Connecticut because this makes her a RHOC star, right?

And with that, we bring you Mrs. Nightengale's first guest post.
The other day I had an epiphany, or two, when I observed the action of a young child. 
This child, a boy, was probably three or four years old. The approximation of his age is based on the fact that he was sitting in a booster seat in the back seat of his parents shiny, new automobile. I could tell in an instant that he had wonderful, caring parents. His proud father was sitting smartly in the driver's seat and slowly maneuvering the parking lot of the local supermarket. His mother,  in front passenger seat, was well dressed, hair perfect and adorned in fine jewelry (most certainly purchased for her by her adoring husband). 
This young man and his brother were sitting in their car seats with belts carefully locked about them to keep them safe. They too, were dressed impeccably with not one hair out of place or a speck of dirt to be found on their face. As a mother of four, this was a clear indication to me of the great deal of attention paid to these boys. I am convinced jealousy is the reason I was able to remember the details of this family with such clarity. 
I thought to myself, "Why is it that when I go to the store with any number of my four children, they are not sitting so still, quiet and well-kempt? Where have I gone wrong?" 
And then all of a sudden, the action happened. An action, especially when performed publicly, offends most and sends even the most relaxed of parents into a frenzy. A habit, a disgusting habit, I am sure most parents have lost their mind over at one time or another. A habit every parent has tried ten million different ways to break. 
Yes, folks, the little boy, adorable, well dressed, perfectly coiffed, took his pointer finger and placed it so far up his right nostril. I was convinced beyond all odds, he would never get it out. 
And it hit me - hit me hard... ALL CHILDREN PICK THEIR NOSE. Nose picking does not discriminate color, creed or socioeconomic status. And I thought to myself, "If those perfect children pick their noses, maybe I'm not such a bad parent after all!" 
* One of Mrs. Nightengale's own little nosepickers *
I left that supermarket parking lot in my messy, battered old mom taxi, with a smile on my face!

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Mrs. Nightengale

Scrubbing her kiddos hands like...

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