

What doesn't kill us can only make us stronger right? Great analogy, huh? Even as adults/mothers/women things and people hurt us. The feeling of being left out and not liked. People other women rolling their eyes at you while you are speaking to someone else thinking that you don't see them. Why does that hurt so bad? Why does it even matter?

Acceptance is so important across all peer boards. In the PTA. In the sports stands. In the church choir. In our workplace. Even social media. Why can't we all be mature? It's an age old question that has no answer I have decided. We all have different values, backgrounds, religious upbringings. But, we all have a heart and from what I can tell all have feelings.

Now, just read this and hear me out. Being from a small town we had our share of cliques. My label- the smart nerdy goody two shoes who had her nose in the air. Yeah, stuck up. Me. There are times that I still put off that vibe to people without meaning to. I'm pretty matter of fact when speaking and don't always kissy kiss my way around subject matters. I'm a straight laced straight shooter.

What my friends didn't see in my hometown was the insecure girl who cried at home and in the bathroom stalls wanting to be accepted and to be like everyone else. In college things changed because I gained a new set of confidence and maturity. I worked my way through school with honors and into a great career up the corporate ladder with no problem. Very few knew that the "warrior" in me, who knows no stranger, always has her guard up just waiting to be knocked down.

Now, I am not telling you this so the next time you see me, you roll your eyes at me, think less of me as a writer, or try knocking me down. If you try- I promise, it won't happen. I tell you my story so that you think twice before you cast a crooked glance at the next PTA meeting or decide not to sit by a new mom on the bleachers. She could be a me, who hasn't come out of her shell, someone who won't make you talk to her the way I will. She could be hurting in ways that you or I can never understand. I tell my story also to the ones who are out there like myself  to reassure them that you are strong person and not to let yourself get kicked around or kick yourself. And as far as social media is concerned, use the Golden Rule. Try to make it your goal at least once a day to tweet with someone new on twitter or comment on a new blog. You may just make someone's day or a difference in someone's life, like you never before imagined! Just a single second thought or act can help you or someone else be a little stronger.

by Mandisa

Hey, heard you were up all night 
Thinking about how your world ain't right 
And you wonder if things will ever get better 
And you're asking why is it always raining on you 
When all you want is just a little good news 
Instead of standing there stuck out in the weather 

Oh, don't hang your head 
It's gonna end 
God's right there 
Even if it's hard to see Him 
I promise you that He still cares 

When the waves are taking you under 
Hold on just a little bit longer 
He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger 
The pain ain't gonna last forever 
And things can only get better 
Believe me 
This is gonna make you stronger 
Gonna make you stronger, stronger, stronger 
Believe me, this is gonna make you Stronger 

Try and do the best you can 
Hold on and let Him hold your hand 
And go on and fall into the arms of Jesus 
Oh, lift your head it's gonna end 
God's right there 
Even when you just can't feel Him 
I promise you that He still cares 


'Cause if He started this work in your life 
He will be faithful to complete it 
If only you believe it 
He knows how much it hurts 
And I'm sure that He's gonna help you get through this 
When the waves are taking you under 
Hold on just a little bit longer 
He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger 
The pain ain't gonna last forever 
In time it's gonna get better 
Believe me 
This is gonna make you stronger

♥Mrs. Hart♥

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